Lifehouse 4-11-17

Emma here :)

One of the main bands I listened to as a kid (consistently, not just one song) was Lifehouse. It is alternative rock band that came around in the 2000's. The lead vocal, Jason Wade, has a smoky voice and all the lyrics of their songs have a really beautiful meaning. I've always really liked them and I think it could be partially from growing up with it, but also now as a teenager, I appreciate it so much more. I feel really connected with this music for some reason. Here are a couple of my favorite songs by them :)

(scroll to very bottom to read song analysis)

 You and Me





Sick Cycle Carousel

You like this type of music? What do you think of the lyrics? Which out of the above do you like best? Why?

Now for Simon.

You don't know why they had to go this far,
Traded your worth for these scars,
For your only company.
And don't believe the lies
That they have told to you. Not one word was true
you're alright, you're alright, you're alright.-Simon

This song is really deep. I encourage you to read the entire set of lyrics in this song here. It's about you. Your worth, how this world has beaten you up. Close your eyes and listen to it. Is this you? Is this you? I know when I hear it I feel like it's about me.

Just because this world is so horrible at times. Days you drag around and things keep going wrong and if what's wrong with the world is you and you wonder, why? Why are things this way?

This song to me shows conquering anxiety and gaining confidence in who you are in God. He's got you and looks at you and says, "You have worth. You're my child". And other's in this world can't tell you who you are. There's no fear, just acceptance.

So let out a deep breath. Don't believe the lies they told you. You're alright.


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