Josh Garrels 4-8-17

Hello, everyone. Hannah here!

Trying to find good, clean music is a challenge sometimes. I swear, every time I turn on the radio there's something on that I'd rather not hear.

If you're having the same problem I'm having, I'll provide a new artist for you.

Josh Garrels is a singer-songwriter who combines hip-hop and folk. You wouldn't expect that they'd go together, but he does it in an incredibly artistic way. He puts art into his lyrics and skill into the melodies of his songs. He approaches God in a creative way, avoiding the corny stereotypes that have been so prevalent into today's Christian music. He addresses loss (The Original Spacefan), spiritual warfare (The Resistance and Rise), love (Bread & Wine), darkness (Slip Away) and even put his own spin on the old hymn, All Creatures of Our God and King (All Creatures).

He even has a whole album of mostly wordless music, if you're the wordless music type or if you just need study music. It's called Lost Animals and it combines lots of different folk instruments and complex melody lines into artistic songs.

My favorites from him:

Zion & Babylon
The Resistance
Jacaranda Tree

The first three are a bit more upbeat and the last two are slower and more calming.

The two below songs show two of his main styles, the first being more "groovy," for a lack of a better word and the second being more smooth and soothing. Enjoy the new music!


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